Last Thursday I went to Metro and Richmond and had the best ever time, like, ever.
Dropped lots of munny (lots... :<) on a sale at Plen+y, and then busted my ass over to Richmond, for Daiso. Yay Daiso! (further spaz) I bought the most ridiculously cute pink bento box (that makes me go "<3",>for like half an hour which unfortunately was rather small, with some older issues of Biblos, Beboys, and such. Ahem. But most importantly, I was looking for Code Geass Knight.
Being the eccentric, non-Japanese-reading, flamboyant geek that I am, I asked the lovely cashier to help me, and help she did! Wasn't my first time of course, shamelessly asking for Japanese language assistance for the purpose of
OK end with that random spaz. Unfortunately they only have volume 3 in stock. Ugh. Though they had many volumes of Nightmare of Nunally, but meh, do not want. Suppose I will have to hunt down the other 3 volumes through YesAsia or the like.
By the way, I'm glad I dropped all that munny on a book I can't read (all the more fabulous, right) because according to my ninja-math skillz, the ratio of flipping the pages and stumbling upon Schneizel (more on a batshit fangirl post later) was 1:8. HRM.
Tell you about Larabars some other time, then.
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