I took out the newest issue of Vegetarian Times from my local library about two weeks ago. First of, it shocked the hell of me that my tiny local branch had this magazine in the first place. Secondly, well, it shocked the hell of me that my tiny local branch had this magazine. Anyways, sweet I thought, and checked it out, along with some gay erotica and splatterpunk paperbacks (hey Poppy Z. Brite, how's it going). The librarian lady gave me a weird look (obviously not the first one I received).
So, Vegetarian Time is a pretty decent read for vegans. I'd estimate about 2/3rd of the recipes could be easily veganized, and all the other ones (mostly backed good) can be modified with a laborious trip to Whole Foods or experimenting with the chemistry of ground flax or something like that. Surprising though, the first recipe that truly appealed to me is an user-submitted one in the editorial section.
So, here it is. Vegan carrot cake.

I added lemon juice to the icing for some tang.

Didn't have any walnuts, so I used a combination of pecans and Brazilian nuts (which I think taste gross if eaten alone).
I reserved half a roasted red pepper for topping a pizza I made. I used a very popular dough recipe from vegweb.com made with wholewheat flour and the addition of rosemary. I topped it off with some "white sauce"... hrm... humus, haha. Then, I caramelized a large onion with some seasoned TVP grounds, and steamed some spinach. I added those, with a layer of sliced black olives.

That's my lunch for the week!!! Together with that carrot cake, great fuel for writing this week's mid-term exams.
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